Jiangsu Solareast Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd.
Produsen kustom
Jiangsu, China
Produk utama: Produk penyimpanan energi perumahan; Produk penyimpanan energi komersial dan industri, produk penyimpanan energi portabel, Inverter Hybrid; Inverter Off-grid
Total staff (56)On-site material inspectionFinished product inspectionOffline trade shows attended(1times)
Tingkat pendidikan staf teknis R&D3 postGraduate, 11 graduate, 1 doctorate
Ulasan Perusahaan (7)
4.9 /5
Supplier Layanan
Pengiriman tepat waktu
Kualitas Produk
01 Dec 2024 05:55
Heat pump in accordance with the specification. Before shipping, very good contact with the consultant regarding the technical parameters of the equipment and DDP delivery (without unnecessary formalities at the border). The heat pump is already connected and works very well. Delivery time to Poland from the time of purchase to the courier's visit 81 days (sea transport). A somewhat modest instruction manual and assembly included with the equipment. I recommend - I recommend and a reliable seller. Design: